Well hey there! The name's Wyld Tha Bard! I'm a 24 year old performing artist who has always had an immense passion for the arts and music. All my life I wanted nothing more than to perform and share my love of the arts with the rest of the world. I wanted to create a space where other free thinking artists types could explore a diverse range of art and music. The Funky Shaman is all about embracing the art and music that makes us who we are, while at the same time exploring how we are influenced by art and music. I will be sharing the latest on my 2018 grind, featuring constant dance videos, new music and updates on my current projects, while also sharing the art and music of various other artists that I feel resonate with me. There will also be a healthy mix of posts that appear random at first glance, but will essentially revolve around how awesome and life changing music can truly be! I would like to hear from every last one of you! Join our mailing list so you can share your own art and music with the Funky Shaman family, along with submitting request for topics of future posts and or even submitting an idea for your own unique post! Here at the Funky Shaman, it's all about community building and lovingly sharing our respective perspectives with one another. The limit truly surpasses the sky! There is an infinite amount of awesomeness that we can all explore together, and just as an FYI, the Funky Shaman is 100% authentic, organic and proudly politically incorrect! So if you get uncomfortable on being around people who have no filter whatsoever, than this blog ain't for you honey (I was born with no fucks to my name).We are all about speaking our personal truth and being real to ourselves! Otherwise, thank you so much for stumbling across such funkiness, and I hope to hear from you soon! Peace, love and music baby!