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So What's this blog stuff about anyway?!?!

   What's up y'all! The name's Wyld Tha Bard here (government name  Phillip Scruggs)! I'm an up and coming 24 year old performance artist out of good ole Virginia who is seemingly addicted to the thrills of creating sporadic performance art where ever I may be! Whether it's dance, singing, rapping, poetry or drumming, my heart longs to be lost in a moment of elusive creativity! I am currently in the process of putting together my first full-length mixtape project, Luvmusik, and decided to invite each and every one of y'all to be apart of this overall creative process!  I will be sharing a multitude of experiences in the blog section of this site that correlate in one way or another with the music that will be ultimately featured on my debut project!

    Additionally, I will also be sharing songs that will be right off the project so y'all get a feel of what I'm working with haha. Along with being a music head, I am also a very passionate poet and thespian. My poems are indeed a glimpse into the nature of my very soul haha (part of being such a passionate poet comes with a lot of intense shit, so just bear with me haha). I have always had a rather intimate connection with the theatre and the overall aesthetic of performance art. I will feature various poems and spoken word/slam poetry pieces  on the blog that thoroughly chronicle  the beautiful craziness that is my life. As of right now, there are four short stories written under Dragonfire Publishing (who I currently write stories for) that are  featured on the Once Upon a time page! In the foreseeable future I will be uploading and sharing other written works that include several unreleased stories that I have done and continue to do under Dragonfire. Also keep a close eye on the blog! That's where you can get the exclusive scoop and juice on all the latest releases!

   I mentioned that I was a performing artist earlier, and part of my thing is that I like to mosey all around Virginia in a sporadic fashion and spread my creative muse!  The  blog on this site will keep you hip on all of my random creative ventures  with random videos that feature me doing my thing, whether it be street dancing or what have u! Oh..and random PSA time! In case you were curious of exactly where to potentially find me haha, I will be hanging along the downtown mall in Charlottesville, Virginia quite a bit performing a very random set of some sorts heading into this merry Spring Equinox season! Just as an FYI, if you are in Virginia and you find yourself in some random city or town, be sure to look to see if u spot a jolly dancing and bubbly young caramel complected lad carrying on off the side of the street! LOL.

     So thank you for stumbling across this eccentric site and blog thing that I got going on here! And congratulations for being a fellow weirdo! LOL. But seriously. Thank you for being your authentic and unique self!   May we all grow and evolve into a more whole, complete and sovereign version of ourselves through the various insights and experiences we gain from music and art. Stay true🌻, do u😎, stay trippy☄️ and stay rad🌞! Increase the peace✌🏾 and spread that love💚

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